Backup Pack
Einstein and Maximus

EinsteinEinstein is a 9-year-old yellow Lab. He was found abandoned in Far Rockaway, NY. The vets estimated his age as being one or close to two. The heart breaking part of this story is that he is a former guide dog. Einstein weighed barely 60 lbs and was fully trained in hand signals and voice commands. He has been with us for 8 loving years; he is our protector and our loving friend.

It is with a heavy and sad heart that I have to say that our beloved Einstein has passed. Cancer took the life of our beloved family member. Although our minds told us it was the right thing to do, our hearts were shattered from the grief. Einstein slipped into that eternal sleep embraced by my wife and I. Till the very end he knew he was loved, and as his last breath escaped he took with him a piece of our souls. When our time comes we know he'll be there waiting for us, with his smile and his over active tail.

—Michael and Randi Hurtado
April 20, 2002

MaximusMaximus is a Lab/Shepard mix who thinks he's all Rottweiler. He was rescued at an animal shelter in Calverton Long Island. The ASPCA of Texas rescued him and some of his litter mates from euthanization via a bullet. We found out that Texas allows unclaimed pups to be shot. He joined the pack at a mere 10 weeks olds. Now at nearly 18 months old he has become the ever-willing and always playful student of our Einstein. Together no one can enter safely without their sniff of approval.