Backup Pack

Maggie was 7 weeks old & had been hit by a car, breaking both her back hips. She lay in a ditch for 3 days until a neighborhood resident called police to come "shoot this dog it won't die." Fortunately, the officer responding was the son of the woman who founded a local rescue, Four Corners Animal League. He said " i took one look at those big brown eyes, so calm & patient, i knew she was determined to survive." When i heard her story, looking for her forever home after 5 months of rebuilding, rehab & foster care, i wept. i could TOTALLY relate. She's been with me 14 years now. She loves to bask in the sunshine, up high.


Where's Maggie?


She's still basking in the sunshine, & rrreally good at camouflage. Here she is with her big lil bro Markus(pit-lab-mastiff)
