Backup Pack
Zeus & Xena

Zeus and Xena guard the master bedroom
Zeus and Xena guard the master bedroom

We adopted Zeus and Xena in November 2001, after a friend of ours, an animal control officer, rescued them from the street. At first we were going to foster them until we found them good homes, but we fell in love with them (as did our 9-year-old Harlequin Great Dane, Petunia) and the rest is history.

We believe Zeus and Xena are 5 to 6 years old, and siblings from the same litter (although it is possible that Xena is Zeus' mother). You can tell them apart in the photos from the fact that Zeus is wearing a blue collar, while Xena's is pink.

— Bill & Tracy Mooney

Zeus and Xena relaxing in their living room
Zeus and Xena relaxing in their living room