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The Official Website of Andrew Vachss

A Letter from Licensed for Life

To Andrew Vachss and everyone at The Zero,

Licensed for Life is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to spreading the message to high school students on the dangers of drinking and driving. Since Licensed for Life began five school years ago, our officers have visited over 250 schools and organizations and given over 3700 classes.

We believe in teaching students about alcohol and making proper decisions before they begin to drive, therefore, Licensed for Life instructors speak primarily to driver education classes. Our goal is to have one-on-one contact with students in a classroom setting, so we prefer not to speak at assemblies, but to individual classes. Our instructors often get to a school and teach eight straight classes throughout a school day.

Licensed for Life relies on grants and donations to spread our message. Many times we are only able to send one officer at a time to teach classes. Licensed for Life turns down many more schools than we are able to teach, due to lack of funds.

With the recent donation from your organization, we are able to send officers to hundreds of additional classes. Many students who would possibly not be able to hear the anti-drinking and driving message without these funds are able to hopefully make proper decisions when they drive and help save lives.

At Licensed for Life we realize the students are all our children, too. Thank you for helping us help them make the correct decisions when they get behind the wheel.


Mike McNamara

Donations to the Licensed for Life organization can be sent to:

Licensed for Life
426 N. Cleveland Ave.
Bradley IL 60915-1516
phone 1.708.473.0682

for complete info, including a "live" class, go to

Read "Licensed for Life" by Zak Mucha,
originally published in The Chicago Reader, June 11, 1999.


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