Articles written by Andrew Vachss for Parade Magazine
Andrew Vachss has been writing for Parade since 1985. In response to endless requests, we have collected all his past Parade articles here.
Let's Fight This Terrible Crime Against Our Children (Parade Magazine, February 19, 2006) "No child is capable, emotionally or legally, of consenting to being photographed for sexual purposes. Thus, every image of a sexually displayed child—be it a photograph, a tape or a DVD—records both the rape of the child and an act against humanity." |
Watch Your Language (Parade Magazine, June 5, 2005) The media calls the sexual assault of a child "fondling," and they term incest a "nonviolent crime." So what harm does that do? Read "Watch Your Language" by Andrew Vachss to find out. |
What Are You Going To Do About Child Abuse? (Parade Magazine, August 22, 2004) "This election year, we must demand that politicians pledge to protect our children... It's time to ask our Presidential candidates
What Are You Going To Do About Child Abuse?" |
The Difference Between "Sick" and "Evil" (Parade Magazine, July 14, 2002) "The difference between sick and evil cannot be dismissed with facile eye-of-the-beholder rhetoric. There are specific criteria we can employ to give us the answers in every case, every time." |
If We Really Want To Keep Our Children Safe (Parade Magazine, May 2, 1999)
"To truly protect children from sexual predators on the Internet as well as off we must consider crucial changes in our thinking, our laws and our tactics." |
Our Endangered Species
(Parade Magazine, March 1998)
"Our notion of the human "family" as the safeguard of our species has not evolved. Instead, it has gone in the opposite direction—it has devolved." |
If We Really Want to Protect Children (Parade Magazine, November 1996)
"There are far more people who love and respect children than there are those who prey upon them. But if that is so, why aren't we winning this battle?" |
You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heart (Parade Magazine, August 28, 1994)
"Emotional abuse of children can lead, in adulthood, to addiction, rage, a severely damaged sense of self and an inability to truly bond with others. But—if it happened to you—there is a way out." |
If You Could Listen to a Child's Soul (Parade Magazine, January 16, 1991) "What children are, more than anything else, is this: another chance for our flawed species to get it right." |
Today's Victim Could Be Tomorrow's Predator (Parade Magazine, June 3, 1990) "If we really want to fight crime, we must start at its root—the abused or neglected child." |
How We Can Fight Child Abuse (Parade Magazine, Aug. 20, 1989) "[T]he only pedophiles I have ever heard express remorse for their acts are those facing a sentencing court or a parole board."
Are You Going To Hurt Me Too? (Parade Magazine, October 13, 1985) "The child who asks, 'Are you going to hurt me too?' is really speaking to all of us—to society at large. And if we face the hard realities, the truthful answer may well be 'yes.'"
Click here for more articles written by Andrew Vachss.