Some of the stories listed below have been collected in Born Bad (Vintage, 1994), Everybody Pays (Vintage, 1999), or Mortal Lock (Vintage, 2013).
Many of the stories from Born Bad have also been adapted in the Hard Looks graphic novels and other prose anthologies.
Note: this is not a complete listing. |

Short Stories are listed in alphabetical order.
* Stories also appear in the Andrew Vachss audiobook collection Proving It.
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, April 1995
Anytime I Want *
Invitation to Murder (Dark Harvest), 1991
As the Crow Flies
Originally published on MulhollandBooks.com, November 2010
Big Sister
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1999
reprinted in Crème de la Crime -
Winners of the World's Top Mystery Awards (Carroll and Graf, 2000)
Blood Test Playboy, December 2001
Mortal Lock (2013)
Born Bad
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, June 1992
reprinted in The Deadliest Games (Carroll & Graf), 1993
The New Mystery, (Dutton) 1993
reprinted in The Killing Spirit (Overlook Press), 1996
Choice of Weapons
The Strand Magazine, 2009
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, August 1989
reprinted in Kingpins (Carroll & Graf), 1992
Hardboiled Detective #10, 1990
reprinted in Gauntlet #2, 1991, and in Tense Moments #5, 1992
Date Rape *
Dead Game *
Dead Reliable
Dark Horse Presents #10, with illustrations by Geof Darrow (2012)
Dope Fiend *
Dress-Up Day *
Drive By *
Crossroads Press (chapbook), 1993.
Contains original short story plus graphic adaptation (adapted by Joe R. Lansdale, art by Gary Gianni) Graphic adaptation reprinted in Hard Looks (see Graphic Novels)
Dumping Ground
A Matter of Crime 186, 1988
Escort Service *
Carpe Noctem, 1999
New Crimes (Robinson Publishing, U.K.), 1989
reprinted in Dark Crimes (Carroll & Graf), 1991,
813, les amis de la litterature policire (France), December 1990, and
Hayakawa's Mystery Magazine #423, 1991
Family Resemblance
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 1990
Fireman *
Borders.com (1999)
A Flash of White
Crossroads Press (chapbook), 1993, contains original short story plus graphic adaptation (adapted by Rose Dawn Scott, art by David Lloyd).
Graphic adaptation reprinted in Hard Looks (see Graphic Novels). Short story reprinted in The Orion Book of Murder (Orion, 1996).
Mortal Lock (2013)
Goin' Down Slow
Esquire (June, 1999)
Going Home *
Good for the Soul
Hard Looks trade paperback, with illustrations by Geof Darrow (2002)
Unusual Suspects, Vintage, 1996
reprinted in Frontier, Spring 1995
New Crimes #2 (Robinson Publishing, U.K.), 1990
reprinted in Hayakawa's Mystery Magazine #423, 1991,
and Playboy (Germany), April 1996
It's a Hard World *
A Matter of Crime Vol. 1 (HBJ), 1987.
reprinted in Hard-Boiled (Oxford University Press), 1995,
.38 Special (Ullstein Krimi), 1988,
Mysteries 90 (Librairie des Champs Elysees), 1990,
Cemetery Dance, Summer 1991,
Hayakawa's Mystery Magazine #423, 1991,
Detective Stories (Kingfisher), 1998, and
Mean Streets (KCRW Broadcast and Audio CD), performed by Kevin Tighe, 2005
Cemetery Dance #7, Winter 1991
reprinted in Hardboiled #13, 1992
Just the Ticket
Cups Magazine (1999)
Last Date *
Last Rights
Mortal Lock (2013)
Lynch Law *
Cold Blood (Ziesing), 1991
Mad Dog
The Armchair Detective, Winter 1990
reprinted in The Scream Factory #11, Spring 1993
Mission *
Hardboiled (1999)
Passage to Paradise
Andrew Vachss' twitter-feed (2009)
Perp Walk
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, December 1996
Anthology: The Cutting Edge (Carroll & Graf, 1998)
A Piece of the City
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, February 2003
Dark Horse Presents #11, with illustrations by Geof Darrow (2012)
Placebo *
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 1989
reprinted in Great Tales of Madness & the Macabre (Galahad Books), 1990,
Mysteries 91 (Librairie des Champs Ellyses), 1991,
Mean Streets #2 (Australia), February 1991,
Dark Horse Presents 5th Anniversary Special (graphic novel, Dark Horse),
Cemetery Dance, Fall 1991
Blood, Threat and Fears (Barnes and Noble Books, 1993)
Plan B *
Postwar Boom
L.A. Noire: The Collected Stories (2011)
The Promise
A Matter of Crime 189, 1988
Proving It *
Amazon.com (1999)
Reaching Back
Safe House CD
reprinted in Enigmatic Tales (U.K.), Summer 1999
The Real Thing *
The Crow: Shattered Lives & Broken Dreams (Del Ray), 1998
The Real World *
BarnesandNoble.com (1999)
Searcher *
Outside (1998)
Seeding the Ground
Year of the Lizard (Black Lizard Special), 2003
Slow Motion *
Frightnet.com (1999)
Step on a Crack *
Stepping Stone
Stunt Man
Summer Girl *
Sure Thing
Esquire (January 2009)
Bare Bones Magazine (1999)
They're All Alike
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (September/October 2001)
Time Share
Treatment *
Dark at Heart (Dark Harvest), 1992
reprinted in Hardboiled (Allen & Uniwn, Australia), 1992,
Das Grosse Horror-Lesebuch II (Goldmann, Germany), 1993
True Colors *
Blue Murder Magazine #7
Unwritten Law
Ten Tales (Cahill Press), 1993
Value Received
10 Hardboiled 49, 1989
Veil's Visit (with Joe R. Lansdale)
Veil's Visit: A Taste of Hap & Leonard (1999)
White Alligator *
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, April, 1990
reprinted in The Year's Finest Crime & Mystery Stories (Carroll & Graf), 1992,
and in Diplopie #1 (France), 1992
Witch Hunt *
Borderlands 3, 1993
Word Play
Working Roots *
The Underground series:
Bum's Rush
Tunnel of Love
Bad Babies
Into the Light
appearing in Born Bad
Charmed Life
Safe Sex (Cyber-Psychos AOD, Summer, 1999)
The Writing on the Wall
appearing in Everybody Pays
The Cross series:
Head Case
Mad Dog
Statute of Limitations
Stone Magic * (Narrow Houses, Little, Brown, U.K., 1992)
Value Received
appearing in Born Bad
Harvest Time
Pigeon Drop (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, September 1999)
Profile (Dark Horse Presents #13, with illustrations by Geof Darrow, 2012)
The Concrete Puppy
Two-Way Radio (Das Magazin, Switzerland, 1996)
Everybody Pays (novella)
appearing in Everybody Pays
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Andrew Vachss. All rights reserved.
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