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by Andrew Vachss

A Bomb Built in Hell by Andrew Vachss A Bomb Built in Hell
Victor Chapin
It's been a long wait, old friend. You went all-in and never got to cash the ticket, but I know you were never in it for the money. Not any of it. I'll tell you all about it, soon enough. For now, I'll have to settle for telling the truth: if it wasn't for you, none of this would have happened.
The Life-Style Violent Juvenile by Andrew Vachss The Life-Style Violent Juvenile
To Richard Soney Allen, the best face-to-face professional in the field of juvenile violence I have ever known, and to the residents and staff of Andros II (1972).
Flood by Andrew Vachss Flood
Victor Chapin
Yale Lee Mandel
Iberus Hacker (a.ka. Dan Marcum)
Wesley Everest
very different actors
who all left this junkyard of a planet
to work a better room
Strega by Andrew Vachss

For Doc, who heard it all while he was down here.
For Mary Lou, who can hear it all now.
For Sam, who finally gave up his part–time job.
And for Bobby, who died trying.
Different paths to the same door.

Blue Belle by Andrew Vachss Blue Belle
For Abe, who I never met but have always known.
And for Nathan, who I knew.
Two pieces of the root.
Watching me from someplace above the junkyard.
Hard Candy by Andrew Vachss Hard Candy
They don't give medals on this planet
for courage in urban combat.
But there are silver stars shining in the sky
that the astronomers can't explain.
Blossom by Andrew Vachss Blossom
born: October 19, 1985
unearthed: September 6, 1989
you never had a good day on this earth
sleep now, child
Sacrifice by Andrew Vachss Sacrifice
a warrior who fought blindness
until the last battle closed her eyes
if love would die along with death,
this life wouldn't be so hard
Shella by Andrew Vachss Shella
Doc Pomus
Iceberg Slim
truth, still shining
Another Chance To Get It Right, a children's book for adults. Written by Andrew Vachss

Another Chance to Get it Right
Claire Elise McSorley
August 7, 2002

pure summer blossom
tiny life-spark, sudden frost
waiting for full bloom

Born Bad by Andrew Vachss Born Bad
Tortured far apart
Children of the Secret are
Alone until love
Down in the Zero by Andrew Vachss Down in the Zero
When winter vanished
I searched, only to find you
Missing and presumed
Batman: The Ultimate Evil by Andrew Vachss

Batman: The Ultimate Evil

this is for
all the
Children of the Secret

Footsteps of the Hawk by Andrew Vachss Footsteps of the Hawk
for Baby Boy E…
You took Death all the way through the last round.
And got jobbed by the judges.
No more fixed fights for you, little warrior.
Now it's—finally—time to play.
False Allegations by Andrew Vachss False Allegations
for Ken Saro–Wiwa
a warrior, murdered by jackals
whose voice, unstilled
scars their dishonor into our souls
marking our path
Hard Looks, adapted stories

Hard Looks
For the indomitable Jack Olsen (July 7, 1925 - July 16, 2002), who spent his life taking long, hard looks ... and reporting back to the rest of us. I'll see you soon enough, old friend.

Safe House by Andrew Vachss Safe House
for the grief we have harvested
from the evil you have sown
jackals will forever call you coward
and vultures refuse your bones

family curse

Choice of Evil by Andrew Vachss Choice of Evil
for Richard Soney Allen
uncaged, finally
and for
Leslie Haines
who hauled the weight until she saw the sun, finally

Everybody Pays by Andrew Vachss Everybody Pays
Dead and Gone by Andrew Vachss Dead and Gone
for Alicia Jimenez:

jibara, abused child, migrant laborer, garment-district
worker, defender of her family, protector of her neighborhood,
savior of damaged creatures, nurturer of a revolution, mother to
my brother . . . heroine.
all your days on this earth were without rest. always you
waited for it to be your time. always waited in vain.
and now you wait for us.
en nuestros corazones nada ha cambiado. serás adorada y
respetada para siempre. trabajaremos sin descanso para que te
sientas orgullosa de nosotros.
espera pacientemente, Mamá. pronto será como antes fue,
todos juntos.
pero sin dolor.
Pain Management by Andrew Vachss Pain Management
for Skot Travis
defender of every child
but himself. manager of
everyone's pain but his own.
a warrior who finally fell.
down in the Zero, still searching.
give Pansy a marrow bone for me, partner.
Only Child by Andrew Vachss Only Child
Jennifer Lynne Conti Dermody
loved always, loved forever
The Getaway Man by Andrew Vachss The Getaway Man
for . . .
Cammi, Jessie Lee, Johnny the Gambler, Detroit B.,
Bust-Out Victor, Iberus, J.R., Everett, Water Street,
the East Gary Express, the Uptown Community Organization,
a whole lot of back roads, and some wrong turns.
and for . . .
Jim Procter, who drove the car.
Down Here, a Burke novel by Andrew Vachss Down Here
for . . .
Michael E. Kotler
who rules,
Two Trains Running by Andrew Vachss Two Trains Running
For my mother and my father
who are as one

Mask Market by Andrew Vachss Mask Market
for . . .
Eddie Adams, who risked his life to show us the truth;
Joe LaMonte, who finally found his way to the door;
Eddie Little, who fell off the Horse no man can ride forever;
Rex Miller, who told it big;
Son Seals, who left to work a better room;
and for . . .
Steve: childhood pal, crime partner, lover of science, doomed boy.
Terminal, a Burke novel by Andrew Vachss Terminal
for . . .
Judith Moore,
who used her sweet, soft heart to break the cruelest of all chains.
You were never a fat girl to me, beautiful.
Another Life, a Burke novel by Andrew Vachss Another Life
for Pam
Haiku by Andrew Vachss Haiku
Anna Politkovskaya
Born: August 30, 1958
Profession: Investigative Journalist
Assassinated: October 7, 2006
Legacy: The Immortality of Truth
The Weight by Andrew Vachss The Weight

I know you couldn't wait any longer to be with Dad, but don't fret—I'll be with you both soon enough. I've got a few things to take care of first.

Yeah, I know . . . I always did.

And you know . . . I always will.
That's How I Roll by Andrew Vachss That's How I Roll

Olaf's Sunset

my beloved brother Olaf

    29 December 2010 @ 11:30 p.m.

          he chose the night to depart
          bringing a new star to the sky

          a warrior's star, casting its own light
          a guidepost to the path of righteousness
          a warning to predators
          and now the True North for all our tribe

                my brother:

                      welcomed by Odin
                      waiting for us
                            and always, always watching
Blackjack by Andrew Vachss Blackjack: A Cross Novel

for Georg Schmidt

    husband to the lovely Sibylle, sire of The Mighty Nicolas
    the first (and finest) translator of my books into German

          You went out on your shield
          a warrior to the end
          I expected nothing less

          And I'll see you soon enough, old friend
Mortal Lock by Andrew Vachss Mortal Lock

for Sonny...

You left too quick for us to say goodbye, brother. Hell, you left too quick, period. But you also left a stunning legacy. I'm still listening and learning. And always will be. Next time we meet, we'll both be able to smoke. And maybe even roll down 104, in that Police Auction Special.
Aftershock by Andrew Vachss Aftershock


Gale, who battled incoming her entire life, never took a backward step, and was cut down way too soon.

When I came to the place we always meet, you were already gone. I miss you, girl. You always knew I understood, without a word exchanged.

Keep watch, now!
Urban Renewal by Andrew Vachss Urban Renewal

for Grizzly...

I wish I had known sooner
I wish I could have done something
By the time I did, already too late, I know
But I can still hear you, brother
Breathing out that gasoline mist
That always awaits my flamethrower
For structures that should have been condemned
Shockwave by Andrew Vachss Shockwave

for Maggie

Patience wasn't your specialty—you never could wait;
not for anything. Always driving so hard on teardrop–
slicked roads, keeping your eyes closed so you couldn't
see what was coming. Until you ran off the edge. Now
we'll never get that chance for me to show you how
real horses—not those stick–legged Thoroughbreds
you gave your heart to—duke it out. The next one Big
Syd wins at Cal–X, that's for you. We'll watch that
together...both of us long–distance.
Signwave by Andrew Vachss Signwave


Who walked his last Vertical Patrol
to the topmost floor

Drawing Dead by Andrew Vachss Drawing Dead


who beats the odds to death

Carbon by Andrew Vachss Carbon
For my brothers
  Ramón and Olaf
     Once blazing on two different sides of our earth,
                 now suns together in the same sky.


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